Scholarships & Bursaries

Cape Breton University is proud to offer a variety of scholarships and bursaries to assist our Indigenous students in the pursuit of their educational goals. These are just a few examples of the scholarships and bursaries available to CBU students.


Johnson Scholarship

  • Bursary (Irving Shipbuilding)
  • Scholarship (Irving Shipbuilding)
Rose Nolan Memorial Scholarship (Annual)
The Joyce Foundation Bursary
HSBC Bank Canada Aboriginal Business Award
Jack Hartery Memorial Award

  • Bursary (Jack Hartery Memorial Award)
  • Scholarship (Jack Hartery Memorial Award)
Earth Tech – CBCL Award

  • In-Course Awards (Earth Tech – CBCL Award)
  • Entrance Awards (Earth Tech – CBCL Award)
Murdena Marshall Science Award (2017)
Elijah Harper
Kathryn Maroun Award in Honour of Mother Earth

Current Scholarships & Bursaries

There are currently no open scholarship or bursary applications, specifically for Indigenous students.

Get more information on all CBU scholarships and bursaries here.

For more information on scholarships and bursaries available to Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) students, contact:

Unama’ki College, Cape Breton University